Jones, S.A.


I am a PostDoc in the Reservoir Engineering section.

My background is in Physics, and my PhD was in the field of Combustion Physics (experimental turbulent gas explosions in methane-air mixtures).

About 12 years ago I switched research fields, for a project studying the rheology of foam. Having discovered that working with bubbles and foams is extremely interesting (and fun), I’ve been working on projects looking at different aspects of foams ever since.

Expertise :

  • Experimental study of 2D foam flows, considering the rheological behaviour of foams flowing through channels, constrictions, or model porous media.
  • Small scale core-floods
  • High temperature steam foam core-floods


I am currently studying steam-foam floods, at high temperatures and pressures, for use in enhanced oil recovery.

  • S.A. Jones, N. Getrouw and S. Vincent-Bonnieu (2018) ‘Foam Flow in a Model Porous Medium : I. The Effect of Foam Coarsening’, Soft Matter, 14, 3490-3496, DOI: 10.1039/C7SM01903C

  • S.A. Jones, G. Laskaris, S. Vincent-Bonnieu, R. Farajzadeh and W.R. Rossen (2016) ‘Effect of surfactant concentration on foam: From coreflood experiments to implicit-texture foam-model parameters’,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 37, 268-276, DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2016.03.041
  • S.A. Jones, V. van der Bent, R. Farajzadeh, W.R. Rossen and S. Vincent-Bonnieu (2016) ‘Surfactant screening for foam EOR: Correlation between bulk and core-flood experiments’, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 500, 166-176, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2016.03.072
  • S.A. Jones, B. Dollet, Y. Méheust, S.J. Cox and I. Cantat (2013) ‘Structure-dependent mobility of a dry aqueous foam flowing along two parallel channels’, Physics of Fluids, 25, 063101, DOI: 10.1063/1.4811178
  • S.A. Jones and S.J. Cox (2012) ‘On the effectiveness of a quasistatic bubble-scale simulation in predicting the constriction flow of a two-dimensional foam’, Journal of Rheology, 56, 457-471, DOI: 10.1122/1.3687301


I am part of the Data Champions team at the university. My specific area of interest is Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs), as they are a technique for 1) managing my data, 2) sharing the data with colleagues and 3) archiving my research notes in a way that makes it easy to pass on my work to my successors.

You can read an article on my experience with ELNs here, and a more general article on ELNs here.

Sian Jones

PostDoc Researcher

Availability: Monday - Friday

Room number: KG.T1.220